The Caravan in Palanthas is out the North West gate.
Caravan is there the 8th of each month.
The Caravan in Neraka is out the South gate.
Caravan is there the 15th of each month.
The Caravan is on the bottom floor of Solace, under the trees.
Caravan is there on the 22nd of each month.
Note: These are in GAME days. For example, TIME shows:
It is 9:00, Day of Shinarai, 11th the Month of Bran.
The year is now 352 Post Cataclysm.
-- Ansalon started up at: Mon Apr 29 23:48:02 2024
-- The system time is: Fri May 10 18:09:36 2024
-- Ansalon has been up for: 10 days, 18 hours, 21 minutes and 34 seconds.
-- You have been connected for: 2 minutes and 49 seconds.
Today is the 11th in the example above. Neraka Caravan will arrive when that is the 15th.
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